Wednesday 28 October 2015

This is the perfect breast shape! Do you agree

A ladies breasts studies reveal increases or lowers self esteem as a lot of ladies especially think smaller breasts make them unattractive while a fuller bust is more desirable. Some experts came up with what perfect breasts look like! Do you agree there is?

For the most part, ladies love perky and full breast/bust; one that makes a peeking cleavage look good as well as well rounded for a perfect fit when scoring a favourite dress/look.

Some ladies love fuller bust 

A ladies' breasts studies reveal increases or lowers self esteem as a lot of ladies especially think smaller breasts make them unattractive while a fuller bust is more desirable.

While experts have argued that breast size doesn't determine how attractive a woman can be to a man, a few still feel there is a perfect breast shape that is endearing. Do you agree?
Studies reveal there's such thing as what perfect breasts should look like

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Here's 1 fast way to get clearer skin

 Clearer skin enhances the whole look as acne, dark spots etc are never desirable, this one home remedy has been tried and tested and you should try it for clear skin...

Tomatoes produce amazing results on the skin. They are used to achieve a clearer and even skin as they are loaded with amazing properties.

Iyanya's rumoured flame Freda Francis has gorgeous skin (Photo for illustrative purpose) 

It's useful for closing up large pores, clearing the skin, lightening dark spots and more, tomatoes are great when it comes to skin care.

If you want a clearer skin fast without any side effect then try out this easy home remedy with tomatoes:
Tomatoes contain great skincare properties 

Tomato Juice
Baking Soda

How to:
Pour tomato juice into a clean bowl

Add honey

Add the baking soda

Mix all the ingredients together properly

Wash/cleanse the face thoroughly
Apply the mix to the cleansed skin using cotton balls

Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes
Wash off the mix with water

Apply your non-comedogenic moisturizer
Repeat this for more than once a week for fast results

Friday 16 October 2015

Benefit Tips on How to use banana peel to whiten teeth

 today on health  benefit tips

If you have coloured teeth or just desire a brighter smile, the banana peel method is a must try and because it's non-abrasive, it's perfect. Check out how to use it in easy steps!

Banana Peel
Teeth whitening costs a lot these days coming in form of pricey cosmetic whitening procedures or  home dental/whitening kits that don't necessarily work.
Sometimes a little lifestyle change or seemingly little things from the pantry or the fridge can be all you need for a brighter smile in this case the peel of bananas come in handy.

5 foods to avoid when pregnant

today on benefit tips

Pregnancy comes with a lot of cravings usually food some healthy and most times unhealthy but then there should be a balance of some sort.
Pregnant woman

5 benefit tips to stay healthy no matter how busy your day gets

Even of you a busy professional with little or no time to exercise or stay in shape, these tips work perfectly to help you stay healthy.

Staying healthy requires constant attention to one's overall state, from eating the right type of food, exercising and more but then work gets in the way of staying in shape making it an unfruitful effort?

Professionals/busy executives are busy at every time of the day as all their time count making it difficult to squeeze in other things including dedicating time to exercise, visits to the gym and more.
Take quality food over quantity to stay healthy 

benefit tips to learn about your heart

There are various ways to keep the heart healthy including giving up smoking, managing your weight, watching what you eat, consuming less alcohol, not smoking amongst other lifestyle habits.


5 strange but true, useful health tips!

There are health tips a lot people have come to accept as useful but are necessary not and some weird but are surprisingly very useful!

These five are strange but very useful O, check on them below: